Friday 17 March 2017

If Allah is merciful then why killings etc are happening?

If Allah(God) merciful then why killings etc are happening?

Indeed Allah is merciful but this life is a test; Allah knows what people are doing and what in their hearts
He is just giving them time to return but when He will catch them then He will never let them go

He is giving time just because He loves us
There is in Qur'an if Allah caching people when they do sins then there will be no one
Just ask one question from heart
Are we so innocent?
If we are sinful then why we are saying Allah should catch others,why we have double standard

You are denying Allah but He is giving you time everyday you see many posts and things these are invitations from Allah but you deny them
But at the end you will see the result and that time will be too late   

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Religion and moral values

Few people think we don't need God just science is everything for us
Does science teach you moral values ? And character building? now few people will say oh there are many books who are teaching this just we will read them!

No reality is different
Majority of us follow the traffic rules because they feel fear otherwise they don't have care about these rules
If you are thinking there is no rules and no one is seeing and you are denying everything at the end you will face the truth and that time will be too late
Same people are doing when they deny there is no Allah but after death we will see everything
Please turn towards Allah before it too late

Sunday 12 March 2017

A scientific NASA proof that showing there is Allah

There is God (Allah) who made everything and you have to answer in front of him one day don't deny him
This picture is taken by the NASA Hubble Space Telescope of the"Cat's Eye Nebula." It is an exploding star 3,000 light years away.They should have called it the "Oily Red Rose Nebula."As the Qur'an states in Sura-e-Rehman "When the sky is torn apart,so it was (like) a red rose, like ointment." Qur'an (55:37)Science leads us to the conclusion that the universe has a Creator and this Creator is perfect in might, wisdom and knowledge
Who wrote all these in Qur'an hundreds years ago even that time science was nothing the creator because he knows all

Friday 10 March 2017

Science and religion

Few people say we believe on science but we don't believe on Creator(Allah)
Science is just a subject in the past science was nothing even now its improving and in future it will be different

We are not making anything new by using science just we discovered few things and then we make few objects after seeing the original parts of body
Allah(God) made eye and we make camera
Allah made brain and we make computer after seeing the brain

Humans inventions that we make they all are temporary like our body; they are not perfect
When you use them many years one day they will stop working
See the sun
They all are working perfectly because Allah made them perfect
Are you still comparing science with Allah?
Turn towards Him before it too late

Tuesday 7 March 2017

The reality of evolution

Theory of evolution shows different kinds of animals played a rule of present shape. of human
That theory is not totally wrong things change according to the environment
Just get few ingredients to make a cake on the other hand use some ingredients for pizza making
When you will mix both dishes then there will be new dish which will be similar to pizza or cake
But is it possible we have nothing(ingredients) but we are making cake?
Even if you will try 1000000 years at the end you will be failed
There is Allah who is the creator of our body and one day we have to answer in front of Him

Mathematics describing evolution

A black man married a white girl as the result their kids will be brown and few of them will be white or black because they will carry the specialities of both male and female and in future they will be more different
When different kinds of animals stay with each others for long time they get the qualities of each others
Ok fine if you are thinking we were animals before and then we become human after many years
Mostly atheists say oh we are so intelligent and others are so ignorant
That's your lose when you think you are so intelligent
Mostly they say we believe on science and mathematics
Just see a small question

That's not possible without creator we are here
There is Allah who is the owner of everything and one day we have to answer in front of Him  

Proof about life after death

Just think there is a lion on the other side of the mountain and you are going on that way one person come he told you be ready and make some security measures there is lion
But you said him no you are wrong
After few days another come and he said the same but you denied
And many others all of them said the same but you denied
Prophets of Allah(God) said there is Hell fire and after the death those who will follow the teachings of Allah they will get heaven and others will be in hell
But atheists saying there is no creator and all of prophets of Allah were wrong

Clear evidence that showing there is Allah

That's written in Quran hundred years ago even that time science was nothing and now science proving it right
Who wrote this and many other things about this universe? Just creator ;Allah; because He knows all
Please don't deny Him just because of hate one day we have to answer in front of Him